Graduate Program in the Heart's Mysticism
A 16-month Retreat-in-Life using Advanced Heart Rhythm Meditation. For activators of the Culture of the Heart. Led by Madeleine and Puran Bair, and six, senior, iamHeart teachers
Take the First Step
Deadline to sign up March 20th 2024.
Includes four courses
(April 3rd 2024 - June 2025)
- 1: The Steps of Heart Development
- 2: Sacred Relationships
- 3: The Magnetism of the Heart
- 4: Creating the Culture of the Heart
Two in-person (hybrid) residencies.
1st: July 19th-26th
2nd: June 2025
Cost: $7,000 or $440/mo for 16 months with the first month non-refundable. Discounts are available according to your need.
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We are excited to bring to you the graduate program in the Mysticism of the Heart. This long awaited program is brought to you by Puran and Susanna Bair with the support of six, experienced teachers.
Get the Program Booklet with all the details.Â
This course is 16 months long, including 4 different courses. These 4 courses will help you develop your skills as a mystic by guiding you to recognize individuals’ current positions and barriers to progress, connecting with both visible and invisible forces for inspiration and support, catalyzing transformative shifts in people’s lives, and extending your influence to benefit society at large.

This is the Era of the Heart, the era when people come to rely upon the greatest treasure given to the world: the human heart. The Era began when Hazrat Inayat Khan first taught that the divine can be found in the human heart. The Era gained strength as science discovered the heart’s electromagnetic field and the heart’s preeminent position in the physical and emotional self. The Era of the Heart has advanced further with the development of Heart Rhythm Meditation. Now is the time to take our experience and understanding of the heart to the next level.
Mysticism is the direct, personal experience of the Infinite, Eternal Perfection. A mystic experiences life both as an individual and as the universal operating in a unique way. To a mystic, the concepts of inner and outer, good and bad, yours and mine, are combined into a single wholeness. This allows the mystic to impress their energetic state upon the world and respond to the result with divine inspiration. Â
In this time of great turmoil, two major wars are raging among many violent conflicts around the world, and our country, USA, is deeply divided on many topics. People of conscience and good-will struggle to understand why, and to find a way.Â
To a mystic, there are not good sides and bad sides; there is one single human family in distress.  And we do not need to travel to places of conflict in order to bring peace; the distress in the heart of humanity is reflected into each heart everywhere. Each mystic has full access to the One Heart in their own chest and the peace that is brought to their heart extends immediately to the whole of humanity.Â
iamHeart is a school of the heart. What began as a training in Heart Rhythm Meditation has developed in breadth and depth as more members have been trained. We are ready now to offer ourselves as instruments of the global awakening of the heart that began in the 1910’s and has built slowly and surely throughout every nation and aspect of society. We have accepted the hands of those who awakened our hearts, and now we must allow others to take our hands — to see what we have seen and to feel what we have felt.Â
To contribute to the challenges and opportunities of this Era, we each need to develop the skills of a mystic.Â

The skill set of a mystic includes the abilityÂ
- To illuminate the steps in the journey of life and accompany others on the path,Â
- To commune with the seen and unseen beings that inspire us or need our help,Â
- To hold the power to create an opening in the trajectory of a person’s life,Â
- To extend the mystic’s influence into the larger society. Â
This graduate program consists of four courses designed to develop these skills
- Course 701, Following the Steps of Heart DevelopmentÂ
- Course 702, Experiencing Sacred Relationships with the Seen and Unseen
- Course 703, Developing the Power and Magnetism of the Heart
- Course 704, Creating the Culture of the Heart
This program will create a greater capacity and ability in each of us to experience the four mystical skills and to represent the Message of the Heart. We will prepare at iamHeart a community of mystics with a coherent approach and language, from which will come the future leaders of iamHeart.Â
The world is going through a global awakening, shifting from the mind to the heart. This will change all the existing social structures, leading to a new culture, the Culture of the Heart.  Â
The culture of the heart consists of the tuning of the heart to the natural pitch; then one feels the joy and ecstasy of life, which enables one to give pleasure to others even by one’s presence. — HIK
In order to change the culture, we need, first of all, to understand the present patriarchal culture: its contribution to forming civilization and its damaging effect in constraining society.Â
There is nothing in the world which one with powerful heart cannot accomplish; only, before one develops any power, the ground must be prepared with moral culture, which constitutes three principles: harmony, usefulness, and harmlessness. — HIK
We understand that the One Heart works through every heart to cause change in the physical world. Hence, the importance of each person’s thoughts, words and deeds. Our goal at iamHeart is to assist in the creation of a Culture of the Heart in the world. This will require each of us to develop the character of harmony, usefulness, and harmlessness, and also for us to work together and with others.
Today is a time such as the world has never seen before. Mankind is divided ignoring the truth that they depend upon one another. To the person who would think from a human point of view even the wise and clever are acting as children. What is required today is this: that some souls, unselfish, strong, confident of the truth of their ideals, should join hands in serving humanity. — HIK
The intention of this course is to help you clarify and develop your own ideals and beliefs.
The first objective is to develop a character of harmony, usefulness, and harmlessness.
The steps are a vision of the One Heart in the heart of a person, the degree to which the heart has been realized, and a prescription for how the One Heart will unfold in this heart in the future. Morality develops in steps according to realization.
Hazrat Inayat Khan has identified the steps of one’s realization of the heart through 18 steps, encompassing psychological maturity, illumination and spiritual service, toward perfection. Puran and Susanna’s book, “Follow Your Heart” is the most comprehensive description of the first nine steps. This course will expand and add detail to those steps and also explore the last nine steps.Â
Our direct experience of as many of these steps as we can touch upon, gives a tremendous scope for understanding what a human being can become, the motivation to continue to develop one’s heart, and a great expansion of the sense of Self. Your knowledge of the steps of realization will guide you in your own path of self-discovery and fulfillment, and will allow you to help others on the path of the heart. Â
We will clarify the inner and outer signals of each step by which they can be identified and, importantly, the false signals that can create an appearance of realization. We will also explore the spiritual practices that move a person from each step to the next.
We will explore steps 11 to 18 for the first time, to recognize signs of these realizations in people we know and to notice the hal (peak experience) of these states in ourselves.
There is a union of illuminated souls who embody the One Heart to serve humanity.  At iamHeart, we are blessed with the spiritual lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan, focused on the teachings of the heart that have come through Madeleine and Puran Bair. The Initiation creates an eternal link from the spiritual lineage, through the union of illuminated souls, to the initiate.
There are seven grades of spiritual souls who form the spiritual standard; and each grade is divided into two classes, jelal and jemal. And, descending from the combination of these two spirits, there comes a third line as a central line, which is the spirit of prophecy.
The illuminated souls (male and female, living and having lived) who form the embodiment of the One Heart, the Spirit of Guidance, coordinate the evolution of humanity and all life. One cannot be truly of service without allowing oneself to be guided by them. They are aware of the needs of humanity in its struggle to evolve, and of the needs of all life on earth. They establish the priorities for what needs to happen, to be discovered and energized, and they inspire humanity accordingly. The Culture of the Heart is being built up through their guidance and the actions of living beings like us.
Week | Topic in The Steps of Heart Development |
1 | Steps 1-6:Â Relating to your heart: visualizing, appreciating, relying upon and loving your physical, energetic and emotional heart |
2 | Stapes 1-3: The Mind World; the steps of ordinary life, discrimination & decisions; a non-idealistic path; Attar’s Excuses and the First Valley |
3 | Steps 4 – 5: Finding the beauty and the wounds of the heart. Â |
4 | Step 6: The “Dark Night,” surrender and patience, encountering falsehood and depression |
5 | Steps 7-8-9: Accessing intuition. Discovery of the One Heart, confirming the One Heart, identifying with One Heart as your own heart. |
6 | Step 9: Rising through the planes to experience the One Heart. |
7 | Steps 10-11: In service to the Message of the One Heart. |
8 | Steps 12-18: The Illuminated Souls of Love, Harmony and Beauty |
9 | Summary |
Our direct experience of as many of these steps as we can touch upon gives a tremendous scope for understanding what a human being can become, the motivation to continue to develop one’s potentials, and a great expansion of the sense of Self. Your knowledge of the steps of realization will guide you in your own path of self-discovery and fulfillment, and will allow you to help others on their path. Â
We will clarify the inner and outer signals of each step by which they can be identified and, importantly, the false signals that can create an appearance of realization.
We will also explore the spiritual practices that move a person from each step to the next. For examples of how the steps of realization appear in human terms, we will examine ourselves and our classmates, with vulnerability and respect, looking for evidence in our lives of the characteristics of each step. The aim is to gain understanding of how the steps manifest.Â
You will write a paper at the conclusion of the course that explains and gives examples of your understanding of your current step of your realization of the heart.
The course will be 10 weeks, from September through November, 2024.
It is through the experience of sacred relationships that one comes to understand The Heart. The aim is to commune with the seen and unseen beings that inspire and support us, and to experience being loved unconditionally and loving unconditionally with living beings.
The course is an exploration of respect and consideration of others. Â Our aim is always to see the infinite, eternal perfection in the heart of every person; this is what makes a relationship “sacred.” Â This vision of the divine in the heart also creates a deep tolerance and appreciation of the “ego” of oneself and others.Â
We will use an advanced form of the Resonance practice (Contemplation), similar to the practice of darshan.
For inspired examples of how the One Heart operates through the hearts of people, we will learn “attunements” to “the souls that have gone this way before” in various traditions. Their lives illuminate how the One Heart is expressed in human terms. Â
The ability to relate to the One Heart in another requires the vision of the higher planes of reality to see into the unseen and unmanifested levels of a person.  This vision extends our current practice of Resonance (Contemplation) beyond what has been taught at iamHeart before.  The practice of Resonance will be expanded by using advanced meditations on the higher planes, of the soul (Plane #4) and beyond, to the One Heart (Plane #2). Â
We will practice seeing Infinity, Eternity and Perfection in the heart and soul of the person in front of us,
- By abandoning our own precepts and associations
- As a dynamic being, a continuity in change
- From the consciousness of the energetic archetypes
- Freed from any form, as an energetic signature spanning Alpha to Omega, which reveals the divine intention and purpose operating in that person.
To develop our relationship to the One Heart, however one understands it, and our relationship to the Illuminated Souls who form its embodiment, we will use meditations, invocations, aphorisms and prayers. Through this course may we come to a deeper appreciation of the wisdom of the men and women in our lineage and a gratefulness for their constant presence.
Our sacred relationships include our spouse, lover, parents, children, clients and teachers. The following practices will deepen and strengthen all of these sacred relationships.
Week | Topic in Sacred Relationships |
1 | Nurturing unconditional love and devotion which purifies your heart. |
2 | Attunement practices: how to resonate to the heart of another being, living or not, wherever they are (Infinity) |
3 | Identifying the qualities of the energies operating in each person (Perfection) |
4 | Practice Resonance beyond time to see a person as a continuity in change (Eternity) |
5 | Sending and receiving blessings with seen and unseen beings |
6 | Using aphorisms and universal prayers to inspire your heart and express The Heart. |
7 | Prayers to develop a relationship to the illuminated souls: Invocation, Pir, Nabi, Rasul |
8 | Fana-fi-Pir, Fana-fi-Rasul: Developing a relationship to the Illuminated Souls |
9 | Summary |
You will be asked to develop a meaningful relationship of understanding and respect with three unseen beings and two living beings. These could include parents, other ancestors, teachers and friends. Then you will write about your relationships with these five beings.
The result will be seen in your atmosphere of nobility and peace, your emotion of sacred devotion, and your ability to transmit the teachings and attunement of the Pirs.
The course will be 10 weeks, from January through March, 2025.Â
To accomplish the wish of your heart and to contribute to the current global awakening to the heart, you need to hold a great power in your heart. This power acts as a magnet that attracts and holds others and energizes them in their path.
There are challenges (1) to develop the inner magnetism of the heart, (2) to discern when and how to express that magnetism and, most importantly, (3) to hold that magnetism without any expression.  The capacity and ability to hold power within, allows power to build. This is necessary to prevent distortions in expressing magnetism.
We will experience and develop magnetism at each level: the physical heart, the energetic heart, the deep heart, and the magnetism of the One Heart. Â We will learn and practice the methods for developing each magnetic power, using the Six Basic Powers, meditations, and lifestyle.
You will be called upon to demonstrate your self-mastery, upon which the people you serve depend. Any wobbling in your mastery sows distrust in those who rely on you. You must also be able to demonstrate the magnetism of the heart that attracts and holds others and expands your sphere of influence. Â
Week | Topic in The Magnetism of the Heart |
1 | The benefits and practices of mastery |
2 | Exploring your associations with power: seductive, abusive, frightening? How have you seen power expressed? Who is powerful? What are the opposites of power? |
3 | Strengthening the magnetism of the physical heart by breath (inspiration of spirit); holding that magnetism. |
4 | Strengthening the magnetism of the energetic heart, the heart’s magnetic field, by confidence, faith, devotion;Â holding that magnetism. |
5 | Strengthening the magnetism of the deep heart by inspiration and purpose;Â holding that magnetism. |
6 | Strengthening the magnetism of the One Heart in yourself, by invocation;Â holding that magnetism. |
7 | How to use the magnetism of the Heart to accomplish your purpose |
8 | When to preserve and when to unleash the magnetism of the Heart |
9 | Summary |
The results of increased magnetism will be evident in increased vitality, confidence, courage and optimism.
You will write about your experience of mastery and magnetism and how you avoid the distortions of both.
The course will be 10 weeks, from April through June, 2025.
This program is a participative, actionable experience that is meant to be life-changing.

Who is this course for?
This is a graduate program for iamU graduates who have committed themselves to assisting others on the path of the Heart. Non-iamU graduates with meditation experience will be required to do an entrance interview to determine eligibility.
Mentoring is required. Recommended: at least one 7-day private retreat by the end of the program.
Why should one take this program?
Here are the spiritual accomplishments that we aim for in this program:
- 701:Â Celebrate your station in the Steps of Realization, identify your next spiritual goal and dedicate yourself to your lifetime spiritual goal.
- Identify the way the One Heart operates in the heart of a person, the degree to which the heart has been realized, and how the One Heart will unfold in this heart in the future.
- 702:Â Demonstrate the ability to identify a person through meditation by their spiritual vibration alone, without seeing or hearing.
- Deepen your relationship with yourself by expanding your identity and resolving shame.
- Create and strengthen a relationship with a specific, unseen being who can guide you.Â
- 703:Â Apply your spiritual magnetism to expand your domain and hold those who depend on you.
- Demonstrate your gratitude and optimism through a period of difficulty.Â
- 704:Â Contribute actively to creating the Culture of the Heart in your domain.Â
All the courses of this graduate program lead to the conclusion in Course 704: “Creating the Culture of the Heart.” Â
Today is a time such as the world has never seen before. Humanity is divided ignoring the truth that they depend upon one another. What is required today is this: that some souls, unselfish, strong, confident of the truth of their ideals, should join hands in serving humanity. — Hazrat Inayat Khan
Format of the Classes
Each of the four courses is 10 weeks long, with a one-week period in the middle for consolidation and review of the material so far. Â
The program will have three pods with two teachers for each pod. Within a pod, you will work in triads. The pods will be rearranged at the beginning of each course.Â
Each week, the triad will write one message in the Dome. Weekly Dome messages from individuals will not be required. Â
There will be three meetings per week over Zoom.
(1) Group sessions on Saturday noon, PST will include meditation, presentation and group discussions, led by Susanna and Puran. Â
(2) Each pod will meet with one or both of the pod leaders for practices of inquiry, reflections and discussions. Â
(3) Each triad of a pod will have its own meeting, to meditate and discuss together and create the triad’s weekly Dome message.
You will write a paper at the conclusion of each of the four courses in the program.Â
Mentoring is required for all participants. Â
There will be two in-person (hybrid) residencies.
(1) The first will be in Scottsdale, Arizona on July 19th-26th, for 6 days (19 and 26 are travel days).
(2) The second 6-day residency will be in the summer of 2025.
Course | Title | Starting | Ending |
701 | Steps of Heart Development | April 3, 2024 | June 15, 2024 |
GP Residency | Â | July 19, 2024 | July 26, 2024 |
702 | Sacred Relationships | Sept. 11, 2024 | Nov. 16, 2024 |
703 | Magnetism of the Heart | Jan. 8, 2025 | Mar. 15, 2025 |
704 | Culture of the Heart | April 2, 2025 | June 14, 2025 |
GP Residency | (Tentative) | June 20, 2025 | June 27, 2025 |
The cost of the entire program, including the residencies but not including the cost of lodging, is $7,000.  This may be paid over the 16 months of the program at $440 per month with the first month non-refundable. There is no discount for full payment. Dropouts will not be readmitted. Â