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Accomplishments of the Heart Deepening Weekend

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Friday evening, 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT

Saturday morning, 8:30 – 10:00am PT and 10:30am- 12:00pm PT

Saturday afternoon, 2:00 – 3:00pm PT

Your heart has the power to fulfill your heart’s desire.

You can learn Heart Rhythm Meditation at the same time you apply this powerful method to help you accomplish your heart’s desires.

  • Has a desire risen from your heart to form a compelling goal? If so, your challenge is to honor that desire by bringing it to life and attaining its goal.
  • Or do you feel you have no goals? Without a conscious goal, life does our planning for us, and we can only react to it. And, without a goal, we don’t have any sense of how well we’re doing, because progress toward the goal is the measure.
  • Some people think they should stop planning their lives so they are free to respond to situations like a leaf responds to the wind. To the contrary, our model is to be like a sailboat, harnessing the wind to carry you in the direction you choose to go.
  • Do you have many goals? Some people are like the juggler who tries to keep several plates spinning on separate wooden sticks, constantly rushing from one goal to another to keep them all going. Relationship, career, children — each gets its moment of attention. Life is a constant struggle in this way and one always feels unsatisfied in some aspect of it.

Actually, you do have a very compelling desire – there is one desire in your heart that incorporates all the facets of your life. It’s the real wish behind the desires you think of. Progress toward that goal will integrate everything you’re doing and result in a profound happiness and fulfillment.

It’s your heart that holds your deepest desires and guides you to fulfill your desires by accomplishing your life’s purpose.

Join us for two days of Heart Rhythm Meditation to explore and actuate the wish of your heart.

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