May Deepening Weekend

About Course
Vulnerability welcomes others into your open heart with self-respecting humility, and reaches out to others with empathy and respect.
Vulnerability is a honored character trait within the Culture of the Heart.
The vulnerable one connects instantly to the hearts of others through shared emotion, with selflessness, tenderness, sympathy, and honesty. Consequently, the simple language of a vulnerable heart is universally understood as authentic and real.
The most interesting thing about you is at the edges of yourself, where the growth is happening.
The parts you like to present are the parts you’ve locked away as “done.” But let’s leave the confident parts alone for now. The exciting part of you is the part that is unfolding now, that’s in-process, not pre-tested. That’s where you’re learning the most, where the uncertainty is and the tests are continuous. We can have great meetings there because we all have the same questions you do, essentially.
As we come together we can share the challenges of the future we’re seeking if we’re willing to expose our doubts and fears. Change creates pain inevitably; share yours and maybe we’ll all have less later.
Heart Rhythm Meditation offers great tools for exploring the questions of your heart. We respect the mind, but we rely on the heart for our serious, eventful decisions.
- In this seminar we will practice some of our methods for opening the heart and inquiring of the heart’s desire and wisdom.
- The discussions and practices will give you time and space to experience the vulnerability of your heart, and
- You will feel empowered and strengthened through the ability to share deep emotion with others and be received.
We consider the heart to be the temple of our divine qualities, so ALL that we find there has an inherent beauty that deserves our respect and reverence.
Come again, come, whoever you are, this caravan is not of despair.
Come, come, whoever you are, whoever you are, come.
Even though you have broken your vows, perhaps ten thousand times.
Still come again, come, whoever you are, Whoever you are, come.
— Jalaluddin Rumi
Course Content
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